04.05, 26.12.2018
Léa Drouet Brussels
Workshop for associations – Léa Drouet
Dutch, French, English | schedule by request | Within your association | For associations / people related to associations linked to Article 27 | Free registration flore@kfda.be / FULL
As an introduction or a further exploration of Boundary Games , Léa Drouet invites you for a group conversation on group dynamics. With a listening ear and a lot of sensitivity, she proposes a conversation that starts from your own experiences, testimonies and stories. It is an opportunity to discuss about forms of minority / majority, inclusion / exclusion, affinities / aversion, keeping away from the simplistic "we" / "they" oppositions.
This workshop is organised within the framework of the Pass Découverte, an initiative of Article 27.
See also
Léa Drouet, Boundary Games
As part of
Pass Découverte
In collaboration with
Théâtre les Tanneurs