25.05, 26.05.2019
Lia Rodrigues
Núcleo Dance Class
free school
Language no issue | For dance lovers, professionals and amateurs, adults, no experience required | Accessible for people with reduced mobility | Limited capacity | 1-day engagement | To register, please send us your contact information (e-mail & telephone number) and a short description of your dance experiences: freeschool@kfda.be | #open space #dance #brazil #open to everybody
In Rio de Janeiro, Lia Rodrigues chose to base her company in Maré, one of the city’s largest favelas. She opened up an arts centre there and two dance schools called Núcleo (“nucleus”). Her company runs free dance classes (in classical ballet, hip-hop, contemporary dance and ballroom) to get people from the neighbourhood involved in her artistic project. For the presentation of Fúria, the company’s dancers are offering a dance workshop that is open to everyone, amateurs and professionals alike. You don’t have to attend on both days: each session is open to everyone!
See also: Lia Rodrigues, Fúria
Workshop leaders: Leonardo Nunes, Felipe Vian, Clara Cavalcanti, Carolina Repetto, Valentina Fittipaldi, Andrey Silva, Karoll Silva, Larissa Lima, Ricardo Xavier