15.05, 16.05, 18 — 20.05.2020
Amanda Piña Vienna / Santiago de Chili / Mexico City
Frontera / Border – a Living Monument
dance — premiere
⧖ ±1h | € 16 / €13
Frontera I Border – a Living Monument by the Mexican-Chilean choreographer Amanda Piña has its roots in a dance that emerged from the neighbourhood of El Ejido Veinte of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, on the border between Mexico and the United States, and is performed by young people at risk from the extremely violent environment associated with this liminal space, a place where drug trafficking, militarisation and an industry around cheap labour prosper. The dance that inspired Amanda Piña was originally devised by the Spanish and depicts the Christian victory over the Moors. During Latin America’s colonisation it became a racist propaganda tool. The difference between white and non-white was then exported, with “the Indian” obviously personifying the “Moor” to be dominated and the Christian representing Spain. The dance continued to evolve and became seen as a form of resistance to colonial and, later, neoliberal forces. By exploring a choreography of borders in which hip-hop culture, colonial tales, native practices and mysticism intertwine, Amanda Piña also reminds us that the border is not only a place but is also inscribed in the bodies, contributing to their process of racialisation. Thus the bodies themselves carry these frontiers with them – some more than others.
See also: Free School, Escuela de Frontera / A School of Borders
Confronted with the SARS-CoV-2 crisis, we had to cancel this project
Presentation: Kunstenfestivaldesarts-BOZAR as part of the exhibition “Danser Brut”
20.05 — 21.07
Artistic Direction and Choreography: Amanda Piña
Choreography and Transmission: Rodrigo de la Torre Coronado
Previous transmission in Belgium: Amanda Piña & Dafne del Carmen Moreno
Ambassadors of La Danza de Matamoros in Belgium: MELTING POT Marco Torrice,
Ezra Fieremans & Lucas Katangila
Research and Theory: Nicole Haitzinger, Amanda Piña
Research and Movement: Alma Quintana, Juan Carlos Palma Velasco, Alberto
Montes, Paula Chaves
Performance: Matteo Marziano Graziano, Lau Lukkarila, Jhonatan Magaña García,
Dafne del Carmen Moreno, Juan Carlos Palma Velasco, Cristina Sandino, Rodrigo
de la Torre Coronado, Lina María Venegas, Paula Chavez
Music: Christian Müller
Live percussion: Jhonatan Magaña García
Art Design: Michel Jimenez
Senior Adviser: Marie–Christine Barrata Dragono
Touring Producer: Something Great
Management: Angela Vadori
Production: nadaproductions,
Coproduction: Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma
Funded by: the City of Vienna (Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien), the BKA (Bundeskanzleramt— Kunst und Kultur)
With the support of: the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National School of Folkloric Dance of Mexico, INBA, National Institute of Fine Arts Mexico, Diplomado “Como Encender Un Fosforo”, Alma Quintana, University Museum of Contemporary Art of Mexico, MUAC, The Goethe Institut Mexico, Museo Universitario del Chopo, the Mexican Embassy in Austria, ImPulsTanz International Dance Festival.
Performances in Brussels with the support of the Austrian Cultural Forum Brussels
In collaboration with: Melting Pot and Open ISAC

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