23.05, 24.05.2020
Placed on a pedestal in front of us, two bodies move slowly together: head to head, hand by hand, forehead to forehead; their limbs seem to continually touch each other, freezing in a pose and going on with the movement to form a flux of images before our eyes. Their clothes refer to a construction site, as if they are sculpting something, though the only material that is sculpted here is their own bodies. Artist in a unique territory between dance and visual arts, Maria Hassabi returns to the festival, and for the first time in the industrial spaces of KANAL – Centre Pompidou, with a new intimate form inspired by narrative cinema. Starting from the question “how to be together when everything is falling apart?”, TOGETHER is a mesmerizing jewel, delicately built on contrasts: between minimalism and tenderness; between the intimate dimension of a relation, and the public one of a city, surrounding the two dancers through the glass windows of KANAL – Centre Pompidou ; between classical sculpture and a post-industrial present; and ultimately, between choreography and its capacity of carrying hidden narratives, perhaps different for each of us.
Confronted with the SARS-CoV-2 crisis, we had to cancel this project
Presentation: Kunstenfestivaldesarts-KANAL – Centre Pompidou
Concept: Maria Hassabi
Performed: Maria Hassabi and Oisín Monaghan
Sound Design: Stavros Gasparatos and Maria Hassabi
Outfits: Victoria Bartlett
TOGETHER (2019) was commissioned by the Pulitzer Arts Foundation, St Louis and
supported by Extended Life a Program of the Lower Manhattan Council of the Arts.