28.05, 29.05.2024
Mirra Markhaëva, Globe Aroma, ruangrupa/GudSkul
The School of Conviviality: Dumpling Tales
free school — premiere
| Dutch, French, English | Free participation, registration required (from 3 April at 11am on this page), limited capacity
Sometimes a unique atmosphere is found around the kitchen table; we are with others in ways that would not be possible elsewhere. Indonesian collective ruangrupa/GudSkul unfolds the beauty of informal conditions and how knowledge circulates through them. How can being around the kitchen table create the optimal conditions to let things happen? To explore this question, the collective collaborates with Mirra Markhaëva, an artist who is active in the artistic workspace of Globe Aroma and developed Dumpling Tales, a series of performative dinners. Guests learn about three types of dumplings originating in various places and cultures. Why dumplings? Due to their form, they are often a metaphor for hospitality; making dumplings requires patience, physical effort and the desire to share time with people. The School of Conviviality: Dumpling Tales is open for two days, and it's possible to register for one evening or both. A group of people learns about, makes and eats dumplings together. It's the starting point to meet other people and celebrate the art of telling stories that can be personal, collective, traditional, invented or true. Welcome to this school where collective cooking, music, conversations, karaoke and sharing stories might come together.
Presentation: Kunstenfestivaldesarts, KVS
Concept: Mirra Markhaëva/Globe Aroma, ruangrupa/GudSkul | In collaboration with Beco (Erekle) and Hafiza Azimi | Cooks: Kinkhali (Georgian dumplings) by Beco with Gvantsa Chivadze - Mantu (Afghan dumplings) by Hafiza Azimi with Mina Sayed - Siomay Bandung (Indonesian dumplings) by Gudskul Ecosystem (Bellina Erby, Gladya Senandini, Iswanto Hartono, Feydrea Vialista) - Buuz (Buryat dumplings) by Mirra Markhaëva with Natalia Shipieva | Hospitality team: An Vandermeulen, Alice Ciresola, Marjoleine Maes, Hala El Mohor, Gladys Ngoga, Fadia Fraide, Brecht Theunis, Vladislava Kuz, Mehrdad Seyed | Card illustration: Mirra Markhaëva, ruangrupa/GudSkul
Production: Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Globe Aroma
With the support of the VGC