Bedankt! Merci! Thank you!
The 29th edition of Kunstenfestivaldesarts passed through the whole of Brussels in the last few weeks, with – often world premiering – contemporary creations, a Free School dedicated to the kitchen as a space for sharing knowledge and cooking together, and an extensive nightlife programme.
It made for exceptional encounters and many heartwarming moments. We were honoured to host many committed artists and an audience willing to embrace the unknown. Many thanks to all the artists, spectators, partners and volunteers for their fantastic energy and trust.
This edition also marked an absolute visitor's record: besides the 35,118 booked tickets, we registered around 9,300 participants in the free activities.
We look forward to welcoming you all next year for the festive 30th edition of the Kunstenfestivaldesarts which will take place from 9 to 31 May 2025.
This was Kunstenfestivaldesarts 2024: Watch the aftermovie.
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