Thank you for your contributions to the solidarity tickets
Every year, we invite the public to contribute to the solidarity ticket fund by adding €1 or more to the purchase of their festival tickets. This year, a total of €3,712 was raised thanks to the contributions of the public, and 369 tickets were distributed for free during this 28th edition of the festival.
369 tickets were distributed to individuals who face financial or social barriers that may limit their access to culture. The rest of the tickets we have left will be distributed during the 2024 edition, that will take place from 10 May to 1 June 2024. Your solidarity allowed us to make our festival more accessible to a wider audience. Kunstenfestivaldesarts would like to thank you 369x times!
Groups and associations such as L'Autre Lieu, CIProC, Cinemaximiliaan and Sortir Avec Les Mains were also able to benefit from free tickets thanks to the solidarity tickets fund.
Do you have any questions about solidarity tickets, or would you like to benefit from solidarity tickets for the next edition?
Contact our Audience Development coordinator Emilie Kabongo - emilie.kabongo@kfda.be.