Cultuurcentrum De Factorij
Willem Lambertstraat, 10a
272, 282, 359, 530, 531, 616, 830 (Kerkplein)
It is very easy and quick to get to CC De Factorij from Brussels by train or car.
By train: The cultural centre is located right next to Zaventem station (city, not airport) and the journey takes 15 to 22 minutes from Brussels-Central or North.
For the representations of Lia Rodrigues:
- 25 and 27.05.22: departure at 19:04 from Brussels-Central, at 19:10 from Brussels-North / return at 21:47 from Zaventem
- 26 and 28.05.22: departure at 19:04 from Brussels-Central, at 19:10 from Brussels-North / return at 21:35 from Zaventem
To find out the timetables in real time, you can consult the boards in the station, the website or the SNCB-NMBS app.
By car: free parking on site.
Using a wheelchair or another mobility aid? There's an accessible parking just 80 metres away.

© Lara Vankeerberghen